Introduction: Makey Makey Piano (also Will Learn How to Play Jingle Bells)
- How To Play Jingle Bells On Recorder
- How To Play Jingle Bells On Harmonica
- How To Play Jingle Bucks
- Play Jingle Bells Alexa
- How To Play Jingle Bells On Guitar Chords
What is a Makey Makey?
It is a little board that has holes for Alligator Clips. The holes you can put the clips in are controls. One of the holes is used as the Earth. The person who holds the alligator clip in the Earth is the conductor. When the conductor touches a control, It works. If someone that is not holding the Earth touches a control, it will not work for them.
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Step 1: Gather Your Materials
Makey Makey
The good part is that most musicians know how to play the song on their instruments respectively, so it won’t be hard getting Jingle Bell Rock going with other musicians. Jingle Bell Rock song details. Jingle Bell Rock was recorded by Bobby Helms in 1957, and released only 2 days before Christmas. Learn to play the popular Christmas carol Jingle Bells on guitar. Includes lyrics, a history of the song and performance tips to ensure you sound great playing the song this Christmas.
- 6 Alligator clips
- USB cord
- Computer
- Optional: Paper Pencil Foil Play-Doh People
- Other materials that conduct electricity
Step 2: Set Up
Hook an alligator clip to each of the arrows and the space. Hook the last clip to the earth. Plug the USB cord into your computer.
Step 3: Piano
Step 4: Controls
How To Play Jingle Bells On Recorder
Draw a piano in pencil then clip an alligator clip to each key you drew on the pencil marking. Hold the earth and touch one of the graphite keys. It should play a note. If you want to use water, you can put the alligator clips in a cup of water and hold the earth. Another Idea is to have people hold the alligator clips while you hold the earth and when you touch them it plays the note they were holding.
Step 5: How to Play Jingle Bells
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How To Play Jingle Bells On Harmonica
How To Play Jingle Bucks
Play Jingle Bells Alexa
How To Play Jingle Bells On Guitar Chords
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